Analysis: CoronaVirus And Nigeria's Food Sufficiency Dilemma

By Habu DanWaire
 Many countries have shut down a lot of business enterprises for the fear of coronavirus By implication productions have stopped, buying and selling suspended, human movement restricted.World superpowers have already taken measures to provide their citizens with the necessary needs to caution the effects of the pandemic

The Nigeria centre for disease control has been up and doing to update the citizenry on the pandemic so also the minister of health.
 Thousands of lives lost and still counting, Africa has its share especially Nigeria, the virus is on the ground and the control. with a population of nearly 200 million, Nigeria is Africa's most populous country.
Nigeria depends largely on oil for its revenue, shutting down economic activities by the superpowers is signalling danders to the country for the following reasons.
 That export of products to other countries will be suspended, so also imports. the question is how is the country going to survive?
 Agriculture has been the focus of Nigeria's future economy, as a lot of successes were recorded despite some challenges. with the coming of the coronavirus expert fear that the country will suffer. of recent WHO warned that Africa will bear the consequences fo corona than any other region of the world. This is a wake-up call for the region to prepare.
 In Nigeria already governments at the various level are shutting institutions of public gatherings as being practice worldwide, but the fear is the citizens are yet to prepare for the consequences, as forecast by experts.Before now many Nigerians believe that the country is sufficient in food production, but with the coming of the virus, the fear is how sufficient is Nigeria? if institutions that support farming are down, what will happened to the future productions? do we have enough to cater to the citizens? have we informed them on the dangers ahead?
 For now, importation from china whom we mostly depend on for our agricultural production has stopped, what is our next line of action?Do we have enough farming inputs and implements for the next cropping season?
All of these questions need answers. Is it true that we have enough for now but for how long? To be okay plans must be on the ground to provide the citizens with enough food till corona pandemic is over. our farmers and farming institutions are willing to produce as the marketing is there waiting, the corona will not tear us apart.
Be safe Be Vigilant Corona is real safe your self and your community. WATCH OUT!


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