Environmental Impacts of Polythene in Our Communities

Human activities generate many by-products which are generally seen as useless and discard as wastes. These massive amounts of wastes subsequently find their ways into ground, air, water every day and at the end becomes big problem to human health and economic development. One of such by-products is polythene popularly called Leda in Hausa.

The used of polythene is increasing day by day , it is being used in almost every day activity of life by implication the pollution level caused by it will also increase thereby affecting almost every kind of environment including terrestrial  as well as aquatic biome.

Picture from Google 
  Today in all the nooks and crannies of our communities, polythene are scattered everywhere and caused problems because it can’t decompose easily, it disseminate germs through pollution, block water ways and affects aquatic environment among others.

With this in mind and going by the volume of polythene dumped into our water bodies and land are becoming a source of worried with the magnitude of environmental pollution in Nigeria hence the need for quick action.


Picture from google
Environmental challenges are everywhere, thereby, causing unrest In the world because the only available land is not enough for the large population at hand to survive on it. In this part of the world, farmer/harder clash, communal crises, insurgency and religious fighting are common because the environment is not safe, as a result of human misconducts.

Some years back, paper bags are common and are used generally, but today our environment is littered with polythene


Picture from Google
For this generation and next to be safe from dangers associated with things destroying our environment there should be a strict rules and regulation to unify the use of polythene to a certain amount. Awareness be created everywhere to let people know that polythene is killing us silently hence the need to dispose it properly by providing good disposal system by the government as well as to use polythene for other purposes like preparation of bitumen after mixing with asphalt for road construction




Jumrewa Yakubu 
Writes from Mass Communication Department
Federal Polytechnic Mubi
Adamawa State





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